Inside Phil's station is an Elecraft K3/100 transceiver, an ETO/Alpha
Power 91b 1500 watt linear amplifier, and an Ameritron ATR-30 HF
antenna tuner. The station computer is homebrew and has an AMD
Athlon 64 X2 2.6 Ghz dual-core CPU and 2 GB of RAM. Phil uses
DXLab for daily logging and DX Cluster use and WriteLog when
operating in contests. For 2 meter FM operation, a Yaesu FT-1802M
50 watt base radio and a Yaesu VX-170 HT are available.
For HF and 2M mobile operation, Phil uses an Icom IC-706 MkII
transceiver with a High Sierra HS-1500 HF screwdriver vertical and
a 1/4 wavelength 2 meter whip antenna.
Seven sections of Rohn 45G tower at NA4M support a Bencher Skyhawk
triband antenna for 20 meters, 15 meters, and 10 meters at 73 feet
above ground, and an M2 6M7
seven-element Yagi for 50 MHz at 78 feet above ground. The 6M7
is fed with 7/8 inch Andrews Heliax for low loss on 6 meters. The
Skyhawk and the 6M7 are turned by a refurbished WWII-vintage
aircraft prop-pitch motor controlled by an M2
rotor controller.
Close to the top of the tower is a side arm that supports an 80
meter half-wave sloping dipole with broadband feed. The broadband
feed provides low SWR bandwidth across much of 80 meters and 75
meters. Also hanging from the tower side arm is a 40 meter inverted
V dipole. On a second tower side arm is a Cushcraft Ringo Ranger
for 2 meters FM. The tower is shunt-fed for 160 meters over sixteen
in-ground short radials. Out in the south side yard is a pair of
K9AY design receive-only loops used for 80 meters and 160 meters.
Phil switches between the loops with a K9AY Loop Control remote
switch box that has an in-shack control box.
Not visible in the photos is a garage roof tripod support with a
four-element HyGain Yagi for 6 meters mounted 27 feet above ground.